“It’s hard to deal with all the changes lately,” a ministry partner said to me. Yes, that’s true but that is actually normal. We are in the change business. The gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to change people, families, and societies, we have seen that. Lately there have been many changes in ministry and a leadership change in our mission and head of our Asia team. As you will keep reading you will see God involved in lots of change, change of spiritual allegiance, change of heart motivation, change of leadership, and change of plans. Change is for the better.

Change of leadership for the future – We heard recently that our Converge Asia Director would be passing off the leadership of Asia to a new leader. This leadership change happened on November 1. Also the previous director has been serving as our Interim Asia Impact Team leader, and how our team will be led is still undecided.
By the guidance of God, the AIT months ago had already scheduled an Asia Impact Team gathering in Arizona next week, Nov 9-11. It seemed God knew we needed to gather and plan changes for the future. Two key leaders from the Home Office will be joining us along. All six of our AIT members will be there in Prescott Arizona at the retreat home of missionary member care leaders. Four of the wives will be joining the gathering, so pray for Elaine as she guides these women through a retreat separate from the men. Pray too as we discuss future plans to impact Asia with Gospel Movements, work on the ministry schedules for 2024 and beyond, establish priorities, and hear individual visions and passions. John is looking forward to hearing from God more clarity for him in his role as an equipper and catalytic leader in Asia. Pray that each individual and us as a team would embrace the changes God is calling all of us too.