Being Transported

Psalm 1:2-3 2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,    and who meditates on his law day and night.3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,    which yields its fruit in seasonand whose leaf does not wither—    whatever they do prospers. This summer we transplanted several plants including 2 trees to make a small Japanese garden. The trees were very healthy. One had a fairly large root ball while the other had a…

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Connecting Globally

Has the pandemic got you down? Normally you would think to simply wait out the pandemic and then REALLY START new ministry when it was over. Well God has not called us to that but to be as proactive and engaged as we can despite Covid restrictions. We have been praying, preparing, and expecting and God has been working in very amazing ways and actually sending us global contacts during the pandemic. The process took…

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3 Major Global & Asia Events

John has been involved in global and regional networks for church multiplication for several years. Now with his new role in the Asia Impact Team these connections become even more crucial as we seek to mobilize leaders to planting churches among Asia’s Unreached People Groups (UPG). October is a crucial month in seeing the big picture and properly aligning for the future. Global Alliance for Church Planting (GACX) Global Forum, September 28-30. The Global Forum…

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October Updates and Prayer

FOCUS ON JAPAN – COVID, and Churches News from Japan is more encouraging as Covid emergency orders will probably end this week. Vaccinations are accelerating over 50% now.  This month brings CPI Grace Week Japanese Online. John has been involved in the training for mentors and small group leaders. Pray as the sessions begin October 15th and run for 6 weeks. Some participants will request ongoing mentoring after the sessions end. Elaine and John continue…

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On the Road AGAIN

We are back on the road, big time. In August we made a road trip east to Berean church in Mansfield, OH and First Baptist in Cincinnati. We also saw old Japan colleagues Bob and Nancy Sorley in Columbus OH and visited Elaine’s sister in Kentucky. We took a quick road trip over Labor Day weekend to far northern Minnesota for the Ellen (Ellisons) Schuster wedding. She is kind of an adopted niece as her…

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Praying in September

FOCUS ON ASIA  Each week we see encouraging progress and we need your prayers for John’s Asia Impact Team (AIT). PRAISE We are potentially adding some new team members this fall but we are still seeking a team leader. PRAY for wisdom regarding a significant Indian partnership with connections in many countries and a possible connection in Practical Theological Education in a Muslim country PRAY for the preparations for our Strategy Summit in Portland Oregon…

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Pray for Afghanistan

Afghanistan has been in the news lately. This country has 70 unreached people groups and at least several hundreds of followers of Jesus. Lately one of our Converge leaders posted prayer points for Afghanistan. PRAY for the fellowship of underground believers PRAY for the continued success of digital and analog channels of evangelism. PRAY for the gospel to spread beyond the Afghan cities. PRAY for entire household to come to faith. PRAY for resettling Afghan…

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Prayer July & August

PRAISE John has received many accolades on his final project on “the Japanese.” He is sharing this with key leaders and considering publishing it for wider impact. PRAY for energy and wisdom as we continue getting busier online with mentoring leaders, consulting missions, teaching the Bible, meeting with Japanese networks, and hanging out with potential new missionaries. PRAISE Thank God for the few days of vacation in June to celebrate our anniversary in Galena IL.…

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More Updates

FOCUS ON ASIA  Our Asia Impact Team is unable to travel to any country in Asia at this time due to the pandemic. But we have not been waiting for the situation to change.  First, developments in two countries closed to missionary visas could lead to working with leaders evangelizing many unreached people groups in more than 6 countries. For us this means a changing role, approach, and strategy to equip them. Second, we continue…

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Olympics in Tokyo Japan?

FOCUS ON JAPAN Always I am keeping my eyes on Japan. Over the last weeks I have been helping equip, mentor, and consult people working in Japan. The vision to reach the Japanese has not gotten cool in the chill of the pandemic. One group is using solely the internet and media to reach Japanese. Another group is gearing up several teams to enter Japan shortly. Another mission agency has asked me to join in…

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