PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION widely; please let people know. That is what it is for. You have my permission to share it anywhere. SIGN UP FOR EMAIL UPDATES – Sign up at These update are daily now during this crisis but they are usually monthly newsletters. They are also posted on our website when they are sent out.

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A CHRISTIAN RESPONSE TO THE CRISIS. We heard from one Rengo pastor today in Wakayama prefecture. They had gathered relief supplies and shpped them to Tokyo which would be trucked to the church in Sendai what works with the homeless. Many churches are developing these connections with churches in affected areas. Thanks your compassionate generosity. Your gifts have allowed CRASH Love On Japan to establish one of their forward bases today, 4 days ahead of…

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John received a call (during our blackout) from CGN a Christian broadcasting company in Korea. Besides asking about our situation on the ground and gathering information on Korean missionaries in Japan, John was asked about some prayer requests for Japan. Here is his answer. 1. Hope – Everyone in Japan is rattled, concerned and a bit frightened. As one of our friends has said “fear and the loss of hope is probably the biggest long…

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Japan’s Real Needs

Speaking of need, my dear friend and CPI adviser Bruce Young who is a third generation missionary shared. “The events of the last week in Japan have been shocking! For years we have been praying that God would work in Japan in such a way that people would be shaken out of their lethargy and think about eternal values. We have seen God begin to answer these prayers through economic hardship and family and social…

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PRAYER ITEMS – Thursday 1) Continue to pray for the problems at the nuclear power plant. We are over 150 miles from the plant. All Japan is waiting for this crisis to end. It is very serious. 2) Today brought a great concern in Tokyo that even with the planned power blackouts the peak usage this morning was very near the electric companies peak output. Pray that conservations efforts will continue to work and especially…

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PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY 1. The greatest crisis for Japan right now is controlling those nuclear reactors. Please pray for those making decisions, those implementing operations, and for divine intervention in a potential environmental tragedy. For a country that has already gone through the human catastrophes of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as a highly sensitive issue this would be too much for everyone to bear. Pray that it would be resolved…

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PLEASE CONTINUE TO GIVE FOR RELIEF We are very grateful for the concern and generosity shared by so many of you reading these updates. Converge Worldwide has already released $20,000 to help with relief here through CRASH Love On Japan. They need far more money as each base of operations will cost nearly $4,000 to bring help to very remote areas. See for the latest CRASH Love On Japan explanation We are glad that…

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Wednesday Update

Thank you for your concerns for our safety especially concerning the problems with the Fukushima #1 nuclear power plant which is over 170 miles from our Machida home. We are monitoring developments very carefully. We are safe and prepared. No radiation has been reported in our area. Today we limited our outdoor activities. Instead by phone we called some missionary friends and a pastor in our area fortunately everyone is doing well. We have heard…

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You Can Help Japan

BUT RIGHT NOW, WHAT CAN YOU DO? (A reminder from Saturday’s post) BE IN PRAYER – 1. Ask God to grant wisdom and strength to the 454 churches in the area and the 86 missionaries assigned in this region. 2. Pray for CRASH relief efforts as they assess needs and resources and begin mobilizing people for relief efforts. 3. Pray for the spiritual needs of this region. The areas affected by the earthquake and tsunamis…

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CPI Gospel Renewal Training Month canceled due to the earthquake. On March 11th at 2:26pm Stu and Ruth Ann Batstones, our speakers for the month, were inbound to land at Narita airport at about 5pm. After the earthquake Narita airport was closed so they were diverted to Yokota airbase, an emergency landing field. At the time of the earthquake John was on the road to rendezvous with them at the airport. When the expressways were…

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