Teams to Arrive in Japan

March will be a busy month with 13 people coming on Converge Worldwide teams. Yas Yoneda, Team Coordinator, along with Craig Nasson from Ludington MI arrive on March 16. A team of 5 from Canada arrives March 23 for two weeks. After Field Council, Asia Director David Jahnke, Nate Jahnke and Chloe Milhous will join the gang working in Ishinomaki. These teams will wrap up their work around April 15th. Pray that they would be…

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March Tour Schedule

Mar 2-4 Speaking at Meadows Christian Fellowship, Rolling Meadows, IL (Our Home Church) Mar 5-8 John at Trinity Seminary class with Dr. Ed Stetzer and others Mar 11 Speaking at Evangel, Wheaton IL Mar 13-15 John to attend Converge Ignite Church Planting Conference near Phoenix Mar 18 Four Generation Mehn Reunion Mar 24-25 Speaking at Fox River Baptist, Appleton, WI Mar 29 Attending Converge MidAmerica Banquet

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What do you eat?

A recent article from LA Weekly compared what American people in LA think Japanese eat. I have no idea what LA people are, let alone what they would think about what Japanese eat, but it is an insightful article. Having lived in Japan over 26 years we get asked all the time what we eat in Japan. Some people seem to have an exaggerated understanding of what Japanese eat. Their impressions are usually the things…

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

In Disaster Response ministry already much has been accomplished. (See this posted video.) Things are getting done with a recent dedication of three more completed homes. Concerts and other community events are ongoing to connect with the community. There is still so much to do. Prayer Points: 1. Ask God to grant permanent meeting places for café ministry, Bible studies, and public worship services. 2. Pray for the preparation of several teams heading to Japan…

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Taking the Next Steps

“Thanks for coming! We can understand more clearly your challenges in Japan.” January was a busy yet rewarding month. We have already been in three states sharing in homes and churches the ministry God has called us to in Japan. Over the next 6 months we plan to visit at least one half of our partnering supporting churches plus responding to other opportunities with churches and individuals. And we desire to exceed 100% financial support.…

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Kenyan orphans support Japan relief

Kenyan orphans support Japan relief effort Hiroaki Yonai, chairman of the Japan Baptist Church Association (Rengo), was brought to tears when children of the Koinonia Academy of Kibagare Slum, Nairobi, Kenya, sent a check for $600 to aid Japanese children orphaned by the March 11, 2011 earthquake/tsunami. The 78 Kenyan orphans gave from their poverty – some from their lunch money. The gift amount equals the Kenyan orphanage’s annual education budget. Said pastor Yonai, “We…

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The Tour Begins

We are Back in the US. Thanks for your prayers for us as we made the transition from one home in Japan to another home in the US. It is good to be back. We were greeted by friends, family, and the flu on arrival. We are settling in, got reliable transportation, and set up our respective offices. Of course, the highlight was being with all our extended family for Christmas. All four generations were…

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Team Xmas Successful

Just before Christmas Yas Yoneda and John and Elaine Mehn went to Tohoku to visit families who have received Converge Worldwide help since the earthquake and tsunami. Here are the highlights from each of the team members. Yas – The trip to the Ishinomaki city with John and Elaine to visit some 20 families stricken by the tsunami was a rewarding experience. We prepared to bring these dear friends a grand Christmas greeting with Elaine’s…

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CPI Conference Success

The CPI National Conference in Nov was larger than the last one in 2009. God really worked and so many people were encouraged, equipped, and re-envisioned for evangelism and church planting in Japan. Many were able to share their stories about the 3.11 triple disasters and also their current ministries. Many left with more refined plans for their ministry future. Thanks for praying. John probably gave his best CPI message ever. Elaine and John’s training…

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