People of Hope

People of Hope February 2013 – Updates for Prayer At the Ishinomaki church one woman came up me after the sermon and said, “Sensei, I suffer from depression.” I was a bit shocked by her directness but said in at least six unique ways that “Jesus loves you.” She began to smile and tears ran down her cheek. There is much power in the Name of Jesus and in His Gospel! DISASTER AREA IN JANUARY…

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Praying in January

1. Ask God for good weather and good opportunities as John takes a trip to Ishinomaki from January 4-13 with a member of Bethel Moline IL. We hope to begin introducing Bible studies to our many contacts. 2. Ask God for wisdom at key CPI meetings in January as we set the pace for the year, prepare for the national conference in November, and beyond. 3. Continue to pray for effectiveness as Elaine expands here…

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Christmas in Japan

John and Elaine had a wonderful Christ-filled Christmas. There were several key events to end the year. CHRISTMAS TEA – For Elaine’s Christmas tea 20 women came to celebrate Christmas together. John shared about one disaster victim’s family that was helped and ended up having a Christmas music concert in their home. God is able to change disaster to celebration. Many women commented on the story and how it parallels the first Christmas story. CHRISTMAS…

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Lessons I learned from by grandchild

My granddaughter, Molly, just turned 2 years old. Before we returned to Japan, I spent a lot of time with her from age one to two. I have learned many lessons from her. Pray for both of us that we may honor Christ. – Smiles change atmosphere. – Long attention spans are over rated. The big world is so very interesting. – Everyone needs hugs. – There is something always to explore and learn, even…

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Tonight’s Earthquake

Today at 17:18, as people were heading home from work and preparing for dinner, a strong earthquake hit along the same fault that caused the 9.0 magnitude earthquake and large tsunami last 3.11.11.  This earthquake was 7.3 and prompted tsunami warnings throughout the area. It is believed that this earthquake is another of thousands of aftershocks from last year’s major earthquake. Most of our friends headed to higher ground and were all reported safe. All…

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Hello From BootCamp

From Nov 5-7 is our Church Planting Institute BootCamp. Numbers exploded as we went from 45 last time to 90 this time. Now we are ready to export the BootCamp in various parts of Japan. Already many are encouraged. While I was there a videographer shot a brief greeting to you. Please pass it one and maybe show it at your church.

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Our Compassion for Japan Tour is over. This has been our longest Home Assignment in ten years. We have enjoyed visiting our 35 churches and seeing 25 individual supporters. We have been amazed and grateful for the reception this time, many are so concerned about Japan and were very receptive to our presentations and challenge to be more compassionate wherever God places us. We are excited that Japan is on many people’s hearts and prayers.…

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Due to our delay in returning to Japan on time a November normally full of activity is even more so. Please Pray! Elaine is launching all her cooking, craft, and Bible classes immediately. They need to rev up because it is only a few weeks before the Christmas Tea. Pray for good communication and preparation. There is a Church Planting Institute (CPI) BootCamp Nov 5-6. There are record numbers planning to attend! John besides directing…

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October Updates

 Dawson Melancen, our second grandchild was born on September 19th. Elaine has been busy helping out Beth with the two kids. We visited two churches in Hawaii for a few days in October. Both churches have sent two teams each to help in Disaster Response ministry. We met with one pastor and then all the team members that served in Japan. We also gave presentations at Calvary of the Pacific church a Converge Church where…

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Keep Praying in Oct

KEEP PRAYING Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Again it will be hard to leave our families, two children, and two grandchildren behind as we return to Japan. Pray for all our family that parting may not be too painful. Tim will be left here again by himself (and his cat). Pray for his adjustments. Pray for both of us that we may readjust quickly to living and working in Japan Ask God for…

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