1. Thank God for his strength, wisdom, endurance, faith, and orchestrated surprises during “non-stop” April. Again a full schedule of classes, key meetings, events, and projects. Keep praying! 2. John & Elaine are off to Yamagata prefecture on May 24-29th to spend time with Mr. and Mrs. N in her parent’s home. We have been sharing the gospel with them locally for several years. As we have built this relationship, pray for natural opportunities to…

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Missing People and Places

I have suffered significant loss in the last year. One year ago, April 14th, my mother passed away. I am very grateful that she had a great life, died well, and knew Jesus and is now in heaven. She is still missed. My father died in 1991 so much of my time in Japan has been away from my mother. I used to call her every Saturday which I miss very much. She was always…

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What is Your Resource?

Several months ago a very curious and intelligent young woman wrote to me for her school assignment on missionaries. This was one of her questions and my answer. Besides the Bible what is your resource? Great question. The Bible is the greatest resource for spiritual development, the understanding of God, the church and how we go about missions. It is our key to the Biblical worldview which we must know well to make indigenous churches…

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Won’t Japanese Evangelize Better than Missionaries?

A new Japan missionary colleague Ian Smith recently wrote on his blog about indigenous missionaries. I liked his answer (from Dr. Ralph Winter) so I thought I would post it here too. I will add a few points to the end. Can’t the Japanese Christians evangelize other Japanese better than missionaries? I asked a question very similar to this to Ralph Winter when he taught a session of the Perspectives class in Seattle a few…

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April Prayer Items

Items for Prayer April 2013 1. Ask for God’s blessing as Roger Inoye and Dan Maxton come to Japan in March and April to visit Rengo churches and pastors. Pastor Dan Maxton from LifeBridge church in San Diego will stay with us April 5-13. 2. Ask God to bless our April 3-5 Field Council with his presence love and vision. 3. Thanks for praying for John’s ministry of training small group leaders. John will launch…

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Touching the Unreached

The Unreached of the Unreached The Japanese are the second largest unreached people group in the world. Over 1,500 towns and villages (and 36 cities) in Japan still do not have churches. Because of this burden, a rural church planting seminar was held in early March in Sendai City attended by 25 missionaries and Japanese from all over Japan. John represented CPI by presented two seminars on the Heart of the Leader and Effective Models…

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The Heart of Missions

Recently one of our partnering churches asked us to send some comments on the theme for their mission meetings. That theme was The Heart of Missions. We thought many of you would be helped by this. We shared that there are several ways to approach this topic: 1. A Big God has a Big Heart for Missions – God knows the fallen nature and the mess people and the world is. Even though we did…

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Born to Reproduce

One of the most influential books for John is Born to Reproduce by Dawson Trotman. Trotman, or Daws as he was known, was the founder of the Navigators, instrumental in helping Billy Graham with their evangelistic follow up materials. In printed form Born to Reproduce is a short booklet about being a spiritual reproducer by sharing your faith in Christ with others. For years John listened to the cassette tape often as it was always…

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Work & Challenges

Several month ago a very bright 11 year-old wrote us some interesting questions about missionaries. Here are our answers. 1. Overall- What do you do? What is your typical day to day routine or schedule? Does it vary or are you doing one or many specific tasks right now? Our overall thrust and vision is: Advancing church planting and gospel renewal movements. We are working to help Japanese start, develop, and multiply churches which are…

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PARTNERSHIP March 2013 – Ministry Updates and Prayer JOHN John departs for Tohoku tomorrow. The Church Planting Institute (CPI) is endorsing a seminar March 4-5 in Sendai. This could be the largest seminar on Rural Church Planting with 24 workers gathering! There are still 1,500 towns and villages and 36 cities in Japan still without churches. Please pray that more churches will be started in these towns and villages! At the seminar, John will be…

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