Feb Prayer Items

“[Prayer] is a labor for which there is no substitute in the kingdom of God.” O. Hallesby 1. Elaine’s next card making outreach is 1/15 at the Crossroad church. 2. Ask for God’s blessing for our 1/16 Agape group meeting for Valentines. 3. John continues small group leaders training at the Nerima church. Pray for these 15 people’s growth. 4. Thank you for praying for wisdom, along with other decisions, the CPI national conference in…

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Hikikomori Answers

Five years ago I wrote a blog on the psychological scourge affecting a large number of young people, hikikomori. I have not heard much good news from five years ago until now. Last week Elaine and I had lunch with Pastor Koichi Hirano and Pastor Nobuo Watanabe at their Setagaya church’s new café. We had not talked with Pastor Hirano for several months and he shared some amazing stories. The Hikikomori are the Japanese most…

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Two Mothers, two daughters and a bucket

This morning the doorbell rang and two women who live somewhere in the neighborhood introduced themselves. They then explained that their children had played a practical joke and they wanted me to come and see. There stood two little girls – first or second grade- with a bucket between them. On our concrete block wall was a small arrow written in chalk. The mothers apologized for their daughters and then the daughters apologized. I was…

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A Happy 2014 to everyone! In Japanese akemashite omedetoo gozaimasu! We are extremely thankful for God and his faithfulness in 2013. Ministry progress included tsunami relief, developing lay leadership, reaching women, and the 4th largest church planting conference in Japan. As we look to 2014 both Elaine and John have great expectations for what God might do through local evangelism, training lay people, equipping church planters, and some tsunami ministry. We anticipate with seminars and…

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JAN Prayer & Praise

SPOTLIGHTS FOR PRAYER AND PRAISE “Prayer is the greatest of all forces, because it honors God and brings him into active aid.” E. M. Bounds 1. Praise God for our trip to the US in December. We experienced a White Christmas! 2. Tim is back to school this semester. Ask God to favor Tim for a possible internship in IT. 3. Elaine’s classes are in full swing this month. Pray for sensitivity to each person…

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This last summer a short-term worker from the Midwest worked in one Japanese church for just a few weeks. As a result the church made at least 38 new contacts of people in the community who previously had no connection to the church. We need more workers like him. “Come over and help us.” Recently our field met and discussed the needs for many harvest workers. Here is a shortened list: 1. Relational Evangelism ministry…

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December Prayer Spotlights

1. Praise God for using the both of us throughout the very busy November. Pray that ministry affects would continue for many months and years. 2. Thank God for many great opportunities for evangelism at church, through our home, and with Christmas activities. Elaine’s Christmas Tea was very successful in sharing the message of Christ. 3. Pray for our trip to the US 12/13 to 1/1 to visit family, conduct some business, visit some friends,…

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Equipping Church Planters

Over 325 leaders were equipped in the over 150 hours of training offered at the 2013 CPI National Conference near Mount Fuji. This conference was the 4th largest CPI conference (just slightly smaller than 2011). About 80 children also participated in a Kids’ Program. Over ½ attending were new people! So CPI continues to grow by attracting new and younger people, this all keeping CPI fresh. There seems to be a developing interest in missions…

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More Lay Leaders

What is Christian community? This was one of the discussion points in a new program for developing 15 potential small group leaders at the Nerima Baptist church. John developed this plan with the leadership of the Nerima church to raise up more leaders for small groups. Once a month for 6 months they meet together to discuss their monthly assignments. John is facilitating them in leading for community, discipleship, outreach, prayer, ministry and worship. Already…

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CPI Prayer Items

CPI CONFERENCE (Nov 11-15) SPECIAL PRAYER NEEDS (1 week and counting) 1. We are expecting about 350 plus adults and about 80 kids. Pray for each one that God may bless them as they prepare to come. 2. Ask God that he would visit each of us at the conference with his presence of blessing and grace. 3. God has blessed the development of the gospel renewal curriculum project. All that is remaining is layout…

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