Year Ends!

A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU! We both appreciate each of you so much. Thank you for your continuing desire to see the Christ of Christmas shared with everyone in Japan. We pray for you that during the busyness of this season the joy of knowing Christ would expand your hearts. May you have time to enjoy the decorations and reflect on the tremendous plan of God to reconcile us all to Him –…

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December Praise & Prayer

WHAT DID GOD DO? November was an amazing month as John took part in key six events all over Japan and even into China. Some highlights were: one of the largest CPI seminars ever in the Osaka area. John left Macau with some bold plans for developing church multiplication vision in Japan. Times were filled with challenging messages and practical tools to move ahead in Japan ministry. It was awesome! WHAT CAN WE PRAY FOR?…

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Vision Festival!

Since last month’s Church Multiplication Vision Festa I have been encouraging many people. A president from one mission organization was very inspired by my words “This was the best Vision Festa ever and I believe possibly a key watershed event.” Let me share with you my impressions, thoughts, and feelings about Vision Festa. The atmosphere was refreshingly extra-ordinary. Instead of workers discouraged or doubtful this event was full of faith, belief, and hope in God,…

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A Defining Moment?

In October 2018 about 100 Japanese leaders gathered in Nagoya Japan for the 5th Church Multiplication Vision Festival (Festa). I really feel that this meeting was a watershed event. What made this Vision Festa a defining moment in the church in Japan? I share with you my impressions. Centering on God and His Might Throughout Vision Festa the message was clear. What we want to see happen in multiplying the church in Japan is not…

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God Advancing Church Multiplication

At the 2018 Church Multiplication Vision Festa in Nagoya (October 16-17) three testimonies were shared during an evening session of prayer for Japan. These three concrete examples show how vision for church multiplication coupled with targeted outreach and training of people can lead to new churches and multiplication. 1. Kochi Prefecture Church Multiplication Kochi Grace Church due to mobilizing their lay people has multiplied to 3 houses churches and three outreach centers in their area…

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Why Japan Needs 50,000 Churches

Why Japan needs 50,000 churches Only God really knows exactly how many churches will be necessary to fulfill the Great Commission in Japan. But if we look to mission experience and put our thinking caps on we can determine an effective goal for saturating Japan with churches. The number 50,000 has emerged from several sources and I have written that it “is serving as a rule of thumb for the dream toward a national church…

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Wow, Again!

Just last month John wrote you about his impressions in training people for church planting throughout 2018. God seems to be sending a new wave of people to Japan to plant vibrant churches. Vision seems to be expanding for a Japan national goal for planting churches. Some feel we have entered a new season of church planting in Japan. Well there is no doubt about it now! The 2018 Church Multiplication Vision Festa was a…

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Pray in November

WHAT CAN WE PRAY FOR? November is probably the busiest month for John’s ministry ever. (And we are supposed to be pacing down as we get older 😊). In November, John has 6 out-of-town meetings, meaning 19 days away from home. These events are all strategic and important or he would drop them. Days at home now are spent in preparation, communication, project work, and resting. Prayer for the Month As John attends these events,…

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Make Vision a Reality

HELP MAKE MORE VISION A REALITY Thanks for praying for our financial support shortfalls. We have been encouraged by people increasing their regular support and others with special gifts. Though there is a lot of encouragement, we continue to several hundred dollars short each month. Please continue to pray for this need and whatever you can give now – or maybe before the end of the year – would be appreciated. Personal Support: These funds…

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Church Planting Equipping

Wow! Thanks for praying for the Hiroshima church planting First Steps seminar. We had 38, one of the largest regional seminars this year. Some key Japanese pastors also attended and encouraged us. Every time John does these seminars he comes away with a renewed hope for church planting in Japan. We are so excited for the growing vision for church planting among Japanese. Japan has many challenges for church multiplication at this time, but then…

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