Suicide and the Japan Economy

Japan already with one of the highest suicide rates in the world has seen more since the global economic crisis.  The current crisis and the resulting job losses have driven more Japanese to suicide.  There is a record number of Japanese in their 30s.  People from their 20s through their 50s, many of them temporary workers, have committed suicide directly because they lost their job.  Continue to pray for those contemplating ending their own life.…

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Between Two Places: Looking Back/Looking Ahead

Since the beginning of the year we have been on Home Assignment in the US touring 20 of our partnering churches in the six months from January to June. Home Assignment is always a good time to look back over the years of ministry and to look ahead to the years to come.  While visiting one of our partnering churches we were asked how our view of missions had changed over our 23 years of…

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Come over to Japan and Help Us!

Please pray about and consider these urgent needs for short-term English Teachers and children’s workers this fall.1) Church based English Outreach Ministry – Teach English conversation and English Bible studies, conduct camps and seminars through a Japanese church. Length 3 months-2 years. Longer stays will include personal mentoring. The Minami Urawa urgently needs a teacher from late August or early September. Participants must have at least two

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Understanding Hikikomori

Hikikomori (pron. He-key-koh-moh-ree) literally means “pulling away, confinement” or an acute social withdrawal.  Hikikomori is a relatively new social phenomenon that the Japanese government defines as individuals who isolate themselves from the rest of society in their parents’ homes for at least 6 months.  It is estimated that hundreds of thousands possibly upwards of 1,200,000 people (or 1% of the population) struggle with this social anxiety. 

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John’s Research Project into Final Phases

It seems that God had orchestrated a “dream team” of church leaders for interviews for his field research on reproducing churches.  The group of leaders is a very good cross-section of leaders from around the country and various organizations.  John is nearly done with the Interview part of the FIeld Research.  Now he moves into the phase of analyzing all the information he has collected.  Ask God to grant strength and wisdom to John as…

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Surprised and Amazed – Nov 08

Amazed by the expected and surprised by the unexpected. That describes our last 2 ½ year adventure. We returned to Japan, packed our belongings and moved to the other side of Tokyo. In a 6 month period, we sold our condo in the States, bought a house, moved into it, moved back to Japan, and moved to the other side of Tokyo. We said good-bye to our kids who stayed behind in the U.S., said…

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Children’s workers critical need 04/09

The BGC Japan Mission needs one or two children’s workers to provide a children’s’ ministry program for 6 missionary children ages 8-18 during our annual Field Council April 6-9, 2009.  Those coming allow the field staff to conduct their annual Field Council without having to worry about also caring for their children.  Come and enjoy Mount Fuji and the rest of Japan.  For more information contact Mary Lou Ellison at

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Why Japan? The Case for Missions #3

Japan has wide-reaching influence The lifestyle, customs, entertainment, and technology of Japan continue to exert international influence.  Along with these cultural influences comes the influence of the Japanese on global culture in general accompanied with ethics, morals, values, and worldview.  Japan is also a leader in Asia, home to over 60% of the world’s people.  Key historical persons in Japan who have been Christians have had large influence nationwide, regionally, as well as worldwide.  Japan…

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Why Japan? The Case for Missions #2

Japan is needy and becoming needier The great Japanese post-war economic experiment has failed, which is leading to untold disintegration in every area of society.  Suicide rates in Japan, affecting even school age children, young adults and the elderly, are the highest in the world.  The divorce rate has climbed rapidly in the last several years.  Many marriages do not last their first year!  Abortions continue to run over twice the rate of the US. …

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Shake, rattle, and roll

Last week there was an earthquake in Illinois (our US home). No reported damage. On April 4th, Tokyo got a 5 point earthquake. Japan is in an earthquake area for several large tectonic plates meet. So 20% of the world’s biggest earthquakes are in Japan. This is relatively close to our home.

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