Hope for Unreached Rural Areas

20 centuries after Jesus said “go into all the world and make disciples”, Satan remains in unchallenged control of 1,800 of Japan’s UNCHURCHED RURAL AREAS (URAs) where only 1 in 1000 are Christian. Japan has about 1,800 foreign missionaries plus the Japanese pastors associated with 8,000 churches, yet only a disproportionately small and oft-isolated fraction work in rural areas. Few Christ followers are even consciously aware of the widespread number of spiritually-neglected URAs remaining in…

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Financial Challenges in 2010

2010 was a challenging year to be a missionary in Japan. The decline in the dollar has eroded what we need to live and work on. The dollar in 2010 went from 95 to 82 yen/$, or a decline of nearly 15%. When we came to Japan in 1985 we got over 200 yen/$ !!!! So practically a gallon of milk went from $7.79 to $9.02. Regular gas is now about $5.87 per gallon. We…

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December Prayer Items

1. Elaine’s Bible study for women has many deep discussions such as the difference between being a sinner and a criminal. One re-Christian member keeps inviting new ones to join. Pray for all of them as they learn more about the wonders of Christ. 2. Thank you for praying through important meetings with the Rengo and our Japan mission in November. Everything proceeded well along with good personal interactions. 3. On December 11, we have…

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On November 29, Elaine held her annual Christmas Tea for all the women in her various classes. Usually there are about 20 ladies but this time 28 came! (And 10 more were unable to attend.) There was no place to put them in our small house. Mrs. Yoko Saito, originally from our Niiza church, shared with the ladies about the true meaning of Christmas. Pray for these ladies as they contemplate Christmas and also for…

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The first CPI BootCamp for basic church planting training was November 16-18. About 50 participated from all over Japan, from Sendai to Okinawa. John thinks that the BootCamp was the most effective regional training CPI has ever done. At the last minute, a guest speaker from the Acts 29 Network cancelled so John and Dan Iverson had to do an additional session. For the first time publically, John presented some of his research and new…

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The August cover issue of Time Magazine Asian edition caught my attention: A Clouded Outlook. Over these last few years, we have felt being in Japan that the hope index in Japan has been dangerously eroded. People in Japan are pretty beat down these days. Time observes, “Japan’s political leadership is paralyzed, its corporate elite befuddled, its people agonized about the future.” These are the same people we live and work with everyday. Decades ago…

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Praying for Japanese

THANK YOU FOR PRAYING FOR THE JAPANESE PEOPLE One of our Intensive Prayer Team members sent us one of his prayers: “Today I pray for the people of Japan. They are steeped in traditions and practices that hold them back from seeking You. I pray that today Japanese people that You love and desire to know your Son would be led by your Spirit to the light of understanding, knowledge and love of Your Son…

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Crisis in the Japanese Home

In this current age of crisis, we are facing major problems in Japanese homes. Society has a major influence on couples and family sexual morals. Abuse and violence are problems in the home. Our mission is to bring recovery to family relationships and to help families grow in a healthy manner. This society does not create a healthy environment for children. While children are growing, they get caught in the pressure of competitive society and…

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