1. Along with efforts at disaster response are also our regular ministries to women, LeadNet coaching meetings, Elijah Group and other ministry. Continue to pray for balance in the midst of so many opportunities. 2. The first session of the personal evangelism training last month at the Crossroad Church was excellent. The next lesson is May 22nd. 3. Continue to pray for the CPI Leadership Team as we consider the implications of this large disaster…

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Last month John joined a team from the Kokubunji Baptist church that did volunteer work in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture April 17-20. Pastor Nakano from the Crossroad church also joined the team. There has not been time to develop a video yet, but some pictures and video with English are at the church webpage http://homepage2.nifty.com/kbch/new/tohokusupport/tohokusupport.html. The trip was very successful in completing several projects. John and a short termer from America will also be joining a…

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Easter in Hard-hit Area

Churches in Kessenuma Miyagi Prefecture celebrated Easter yesterday. For these churches there was a need for resurrection of their facilities to be able to use the church again. http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/japans-christians-celebrate-easter-amid-disaster Some of these churches were helped by CRASH teams and some from the B1 network that missionary Jeff Chapman has been working with. See my previous post http://www.gospelrest.com/churches-shattered/ In Ishinomaki the city where John volunteered the nearest church to the neighborhood he worked had water up…

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John with Makoto Fujimura in Ishinomaki

On 04/18 John Mehn talked briefly with famous Japanese artist Makoto Fujimura during his visit to this work site in Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture. John and volunteer team member Roger Olson were removing the flooring to be able to clean out the mud that entered this house. There were other volunteers helping as well. John mentions to Makoto there were more deaths in Ishinomaki than in the Great Hanshin Earthquake in Kobe in 1995. Also that…

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John leaves for Ishinomaki today

I (John) leave today to head to Ishinomaki City in the hard-hit area to join a team which left on Thu. Would appreciate your prayers for strength, health, and a big heart. TODAY BACKUP TEAM LEAVES FOR ISHINOMAKI The relief team from the Kokubunji church arrived safely in Sendai Miyagi Prefecture on Thursday. They have been busy in several locations in Ishinomaki (see http://groups.google.com/group/Pray4Japan/browse_thread/thread/2c34f33bbdc99cba) working cleaning out houses and dealing with water damage from the…

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Chapman Team Arrives in Sendai

Here is an update from Converge Worldwide Missionary Jeff Chapman. We are migrating Converge Worldwide related prayer items to our new google groups site. Please sign up to receive these updates. http://www.gospelrest.com/japan-prayer-group/ Fri 10:43AM (JST) Just got off the phone with Jeff Chapman who with another driver, Hiro, has just arrived in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. He just reported that the main expressways were closed due to last night’s record 7.4 aftershock (we also just heard…

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New Group for Japan Prayer

Please Join to the Pray for Japan – Disaster Response group! This is a prayer group for those interested in praying for the Christian response to the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami of 3/11. Prayer requests and answers will be shared regarding the coordinated efforts for spiritual, emotional and physical ministry of Converge Worldwide Japan mission team, the Rengo association of churches, and other broader cooperative organizations like CRASH, JEA, and JEMA. This google…

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Intensive Prayer April ’11

INTENSIVE PRAYER TEAM John and Elaine Mehn Accelerating Spiritual Renewal and Church Planting Movements Converge Worldwide (BGC) Missionaries to Japan APRIL 2011 JAPAN SUFFERS GREAT DISASTERS – As many of you already know Japan suffered a 9.0 magnitude earthquake on 3/11, followed by a devastating tsunami, and a growing nuclear crisis at one nuclear plant. The effect of this triple tragedy is today still staggering. CRISIS OR OPPORTUNITY? – Many of us serving Christ in…

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Local Tokyo Pastors Respond

On Monday I attended the monthly Pastors’ meeting of the Tokyo district of the Rengo. This was the first pastors’ meeting since the quake since the last one was canceled due to transportation disorders. I was very interested in hearing each of the pastors’ personal experiences, reports from their churches, prayer requests, and hearing their response to this disaster. We were given reports before that no Rengo church had suffered any major damage. Several pastors…

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Prayer Items for Sunday

1. Thank God for the incredible unity of the Christian church in their response to this triple tragedy. Organizations like JEMA and JEA are working closely with umbrella organizations like CRASH to coordinate response to these disasters (see previous posts). PRAY that God would energize this unity into great opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ in this large unreached people group. 2. The Converge Worldwide Japan Field Council met last week and…

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