Asia Tension & Opportunity

I share with you a heavy heart today. In February, nearly our entire Asia Impact Team was able to celebrate with our leadership partners in Northeast India. Just a few weeks later, in May, inter-ethnic tensions swelled to violence and the whole area saw a wave of violence. To date over 70 people have been killed, 3,000 homes burned, 45,000 people displaced, and over 100 Christian churches have been ransacked or burned. One ethnic group is Hindu and has brought the greatest violence and persecutions on the Christians in that area. The Indian government has sealed the area, cut off all phone and internet service to prevent bad rumors from spreading. It was only last week we have heard direct news of our dear friends and Christian brothers and sisters. We learned that the violence and persecution involves another tribe in Manipur state. Our friends appear to be well and safe but are wisely concerned. We are reminded that are calling to Asia involves many challenges including persecution.


Our AIT team has been working in two regions in India.

  1. As mentioned above we continue to pray for the tensions in the Manipur state. We are waiting to begin developing projects for mission outreach.
  2. Also our team is developing a partnership with some local leaders in another state. This one underwent severe persecution several years ago. These leaders are targeting many villages connected to several Unreached People Groups. Pray for their leaders and our team’s leadership as we focus ministry plans together.


Last month, the East Asia Region of the Global Church Planting Network (GCPN) gathered with about 30 leaders from Japan, Mongolia, S. Korea, Macau, Taiwan, Indonesia, The Philippines, the US and Canada. We received training in Prayer Movements and in practical ways to encourage movements in our region. John gave a presentation on tools and resources for church planting movements. We all developed plans for our various countries and we will meet again next February with progress updates in Batan Indonesia for the GCPN Global Meeting.


In May AIT teammate Pastor Phu Pham and a Converge Vietnamese pastor from Houston traveled to Vietnam for several training meetings. After being in Japan, I joined the team for their visits to Laos and Cambodia. We met with several key national leaders hearing their stories and visions and we shared our AIT purpose with them. Other local leaders were really surprised how we were able to meet with such key people.

Later we met with some key SE Asian leaders at the Global Church Planting Network meeting in Taiwan. They, along with our Converge AIT members, agreed to return to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos this September to develop more contacts and introduce some basic training. We anticipate meeting with hundreds of key leaders in prayer movements, church planting, theological education, and coaching. We also anticipate another trip this fall. Maybe I will be able to fill you in with more information next time.


My trip to Asia this May involved 6 countries. I thought it was fascinating that Japan was bookends to the entire trip. The trip began in Tokyo with me coaching two church planters, one planning on multiplying his church. Then at the GCPN meeting in Taiwan Pastor Nagai and Pastor Kondo joined me for joint planning with the Church Multiplication Vision Festival. We were encouraged by the Coverage Project which is a smartphone app to mobilize people to plant churches where they are still needed in Japan. We plan on introducing this app at the Japan Congress on Evangelism in September.

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