1. Elaine has a LEADnet meeting on February 4th. Ask God that this would be a time of encouragement for these pastor’s wives and that they may have courage to share with each other.
2. On 2/13 we are having a Valentine’s party outreach event with the batch of couples we are sharing Jesus with. Ask God that this would be a great fun time but also a night where we are each surprised by the amazing love of God.
3. Ask God for his light and truth to guide us (Ps. 43:3) in several key leadership meetings this month with the CPI Leadership Team (2/14); JEMA meetings (2/14-15), and Rengo – Mission meetings.
4. Guest speakers, Stu and Ruth Ann Batstone from World Harvest Mission, are coming to Japan in March to be part of 3 key events for CPI. Ask God to bless registration and preparations for the Leaders’ Summit, Marriage Retreat, and Renewal Seminar next month.
5. The Converge Worldwide Japan women will be retreating at the Mehn house on 2/25-26 (John will be elsewhere). Ask God to enrich their fellowship and touch each woman’s heart.
6. Beginning around Feb 14th and possibly continuing over a month the Machida missionary residence (our home and ministry cener) will get soundproofing, remodeling as well as painting. Ask God to bless those working here that they may know Christ. Pray for patience for both of us in this process and that the key events that take place here monthly would freely continue.