I just found out I was on Christian Television here in Japan. I was working with one of their staff on getting a list of names of church planters that they could interview for a weekly show on church planting. They sent me a web link to see about the program. When I was at the home page I noticed something about the Rengo. It was about the Coming of Age celebration on 1/12 where I gave a short greeting to the young people who had just become adults. I would boast more about it but the video was all in Japanese and I was only in a few shots. Though I was glad Elaine picked out my tie that day. If you are interested this is the clip. http://japan.cgntv.net/_inc/player.asp?pid=2304&type=vod&player=8&bit=high&vid=45898&dreamon=Y;%20text/html;%20charset=UTF-8