Getting Relational

Many years ago, our mission leader continually reminded us that “Missions is Relationships.” Before I heard it, I had already embraced the meaning. Missions is connecting us with both God and other people. More profoundly it is connecting our partnering churches, other missionaries and believers, national workers and local leaders, all to fulfill the Great Commission of “Making Disciples of all Peoples.” We are in the “people business” even though we do strategy, planning, resources, personnel, curriculum and so on; but it all comes back to relationships. In this current ministry season our work is even more relational. In some sense missions is partnering with partners and finding new partners which are people of many languages, tribes, and peoples. These last few months only illustrate that “Missions is Relationships.”


Last month we were on the road visiting a few of our ministry partners on this side of the ocean. We dropped by two supporting churches in Cincinnati, Ohio and then in Kenosha, Wisconsin (see pic). These churches have been our close ministry partners for nearly 40 years! Lots of years of relationships! When we visit our partners, besides preaching, giving updates and connecting, we enjoy discussions with pastors, leaders, and church members on how together we can collaborate to do a better job mobilizing people to learn, pray, send, and go fulfill the Great Commission. These partners are committed to us and the great task of bringing the good news to everyone everywhere.   

In September, we will both be visiting a partnering church in Wisconsin and meeting another important peer mentor. Then October 27th we will be visiting the Crosspoint church in Rockford, Illinois. Missions is relationships.


We are still going to the nations and John along with the Converge Asia Impact Team are developing relationships, equipping local leaders, and seeing ministry multiply in at least 9 locations and 5 countries. Last month three AIT members visited leaders in two additional countries. So much too is happening online with coaching and training with national partners and local leaders.  

In August, John also headed to Asbury College & Seminary in Wilmore, KY to visit Peter, the eldest son of one of our Indian ministry partners. Missions is relationships.

John is off again in October to visit Japan to participate in the Church Multiplication National Roundtable. John may be one of a few missionaries attending. Then he goes to another Asia country to participate with our partnering leaders and the missionaries they are sending to several unreached people groups. They too share Christ’s burden to “Make disciples of all peoples.”

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