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Prayer for August
- Thank God that John has been able to communicate with his partner in India weekly in spite of internet problems. The partner plans to visit the US sometime this fall to meet with John. Pray for the communication to improve.
- Elaine and John are both thankful to God that we were not needed for jury duty last month.
- Continue to pray for John’s preparations for his 3-week trip in September to 5 regions in Asia, the Japan Congress on Evangelism, and meetings with leaders and mentorees.
- Praise God that John began as faculty advisor for Kairos University seminary program with the assignment of his first Converge student. John is now an Affiliate Professor of Kairos University!
- In Pecatonica we have a church small group meet in our home. Elaine has been asked to facilitate a new Life Group meeting on Tuesday nights with 8 adults with kids (with sitter).
- John has a meeting with a church partner’s missions team on August 21st to talk about short-term ministry in Asia.