PRAISE We have been really encouraged in locating a home church this month. Nothing but good news.
PRAY Several weeks ago John got an invite to attend the Global Church Planting Network (GCPN) global facilitators gathering in London this month. John will be representing the East Asia region which includes Japan. This came as a short notice as travel is now starting to open up. This will mean more ministry opportunities. Our partner is South Korea is also coming. Unfortunately, John’s partner from Mongolia cannot come because of the Chinese vaccination.
PRAY That God would grant wisdom and strength that a project John & Elaine and others were involved in at the Converge office in Arlington Heights, IL would be completed on time.
PRAISE & PRAY The CPI Grace Weekend Online Japanese renewal program is going very well. Continue to pray as God impacts the 40 people involved as it completes in November.
PRAY John & Elaine are off to speak at Fox River Baptist Church in Appleton Wisconsin on November 21st.
PRAISE Praise God for the Lausanne movement Asia 2020 meeting online last month. It was a great honor to be meeting with over 1,300 people from all over Asia who are committed to the Great Commission. John really enjoyed being part of a group of leaders from Brunei, Malaysia, Oman, Laos, and India. John represented Japan from the US. We anticipate very good things happening in the future.
PRAY For God’s help for John as he has to pinch-hit a lot for the Converge Cohort on Perspectives on the World Christian Movement due to the illness of the main teacher. The classes run through the end of the year.
PRAY On November 22-24, representatives from Asian Access, SEND International and OMF will visit various cities in Fukushima Prefecture, for prayer and networking with local pastors, to discern who God would have us to partner with for church planting. This is the one area most heavily hit after the tsunami, especially issues with radiation.