May Prayer

  1. PRAISE John’s course with Perspectives on the World Christian Movement is nearly over. Continue to pray for the final assignments to be completed this month.  
  2. PRAY We both have several online meetings with people interested in missions, Japan, and some preparing to serve in Japan and Asia. Mentoring is also ongoing.
  3. PRAISE The final day of school is May 28th. PTL they have had in person school the entire year! After this we will not need to help drop off and pick up our marvelous grandkids each day.
  4. PRAY John started last month a new round of online classes on starting and developing churches in Japan with Reaching Japanese for Christ Academy. Pray as he encourages each student.  
  5. Pray as John wraps up in a few weeks a learning cohort on Catalyzing Movements from outside a country.

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