What is God Doing
- Thank you for praying that we would end 2020 very strong for our financial support. We ended the year well which is a great encouragement heading into 2021 with anticipation of traveling into Asia.
- We completed phase 2 of our house remodeling with the upstairs bathroom. The final Phase 3 of kitchen remodeling and chaos begins very soon.
Highlights for Prayer
- As the global pandemic continues, pray for Japan who recently had a large spike in cases in Tokyo. Travel restrictions have also tightened up.
- John is putting the final touches on ministry planning for 2021 and 2022 this month. Ask God for creativity and faith.
- John officially begins the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course starting Jan 17th through May. John anticipates being a trainer and presenter to equip new Converge missionaries, resource many of our partnering local churches, and better “facilitate” individuals interested in missions, especially in Japan and Asia. Pray that John would really master the materials to become a valuable personal resource.
- We both continue to add more people to mentor, teach, and meet with online. Elaine has a new Japanese mentoree who may want more intensive spiritual mentoring. Pray for all of these opportunities.