“In Christ there is nothing you can do to make God love you more, and God refuses to love you any less.” These are the kind of truths from God that we intensively tried to understand and apply to our hearts and lives. This was the CPI Grace Week Intensive in February that sold out with 47 participants. These intensives are 5 days long and include worship and presentation times, personal reflection, twice-daily small groups, and daily one-on-one time with a spiritual mentor.
Last year CPI partnered with Serge mission to have two Grace Weeks. This year we are doing it again but with a big twist. Over the last 9 months several of us serving in Japan have been trained in two cohorts to become presenters and also mentors for these Grace Weeks. As a result, CPI staff did 5 of the 11 presentations and 10 of the 15 mentors were from Japan. We delighted in having the Serge staff present to mentor us in these ministries. John and Elaine presented together their spiritual renewal story, Elaine presented on repentance and John on spiritual intimacy. Both of us mentored two people each day for the week, which were both stretching and challenging.
Thank you for praying for this event. God was very active. He was at the retreat site before we arrived, he came in power of the Holy Spirit to touch everyone there in unique ways by developing a great atmosphere of safety and transparency. The program, small groups, presenters, and the mentoring were all a great blessing. For a video interview of John and Elaine with Serge leaders please see https://youtu.be/_p-rkjyULHI
Please continue to pray. Several people have expressed interest in further mentoring. We also have another Grace Week Intensive scheduled for May 7-11. Pray it also sells out. We are planning another English Grace Week in February next year. Later this year some key Japanese leaders will meet to discuss how to develop a Grace Intensive in Japanese. So many are excited about this possibility including the 15 Japanese who just attended the February Grace Week.