We know many of you reading this probably either yawn or get anxious when the word mathematics comes up. But math is an important tool in missions and in church ministry. God numbers all the hairs on our head and also knows every sheep that is far from him.
In missions we should keep our pulse on the needs of the people we work with. For the Japanese the needs are quite staggering. Japan is the 10th most populous country in the world with 127 million people, a large number to bring the gospel to. Because only less than 1% are believers in Christ, they are listed as the second largest unreached people on the planet. There are churches here but only about 8,000. But how many churches are enough? Using a rule of thumb of 1,500 people to be reached by each church, Japan would need at least 50,000 churches.
It is not just missionaries who are doing the math. Japanese church leaders are also thinking about these numbers. Recently we have been working with a growing group of visionary leaders who have a dream of over 50,000 churches in Japan. They are thinking not of addition but the multiplication of the church. There will be some key meetings throughout this year which will further enlarge this vision among a growing group of leaders.
- Church Multiplication Vision Festa, July 2-3, Sendai
- Global Church Planting Network, Sep 26-28, Nara Pref.
- Church Planting Institute Conference, Oct 25-28, Saitama
Please pray for these visionary leaders that God would enlarge their visions, protect them from spiritual warfare, and increase their number. Pray to for these events which can be real catalysts to understanding how to complete the task of the Great Commission in Japan. Pray as John works with many of these leaders. And pray that this dream of 50,000 churches will become a reality.