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Prayer August 2016
July was still busy with church visits but we were able to work out of our Home Base in Rockford, IL and spend some quality time with our families in Illinois and Kentucky. In August Elaine will be at her high school reunion in Iowa. August will also mean some vacation time staying around Rockford.
- Pray for the city of Sagamihara Japan that underwent the terrible stabbing attacks July 26 killing 19 at a home for disabled people. Our home, Machida, is next to this city and our home church is in Sagamihara. Ask God to grant Christians comforting words of hope after this record tragedy.
- Ask God for wisdom as John continues to prepare for the workshops at the Japan Congress on Evangelism in late September.
- Our three book projects are completed and at proofreaders, editors, and publishers. Pray for the next steps.
- After Labor Day we will be making road trips to churches in Ohio and Pennsylvania through September and October.