Relief Team Heads for Home

Just got off the phone with Jeff Chapman (8:30pm JST), he checked in with me after checking in at home, unfortunately his cell phone battery was losing power.

They decided to head due south through Fukushima Prefecture (don’t worry they would not be allowed in the exclusion zone) as they are trying to avoid snow. He says the roads are all twisted and at times it is like riding a roller coaster. He thinks it will take years to smooth out all the sections. They plan to drive through Tokyo having left at 6 pm and expect to make it back to Osaka around 8 or 9 am. They are all well but exhausted but delighted in the days experiences. As Jeff said, “it was quite a day.” PRAY for their return trip, for safety and also to stay alert as they are so tired.

They did find some people who had not yet had much relief. Jeff said they were quite desperate and came out running to the truck. They were hungry and had not had food for a long time. Thank you for praying they would find these needy people.

Yesterday they were in Kessenuma looking for Kitamura’s relatives. God has answered your prayers and performed a miracle. Remarkably the lead car just stopped in a wide section of the road. When Mr. Kitamura got out of the second vehicle he pointed and said, “that’s my grandparents’ house.” His grandparents were fine and he was relieved that they had electricity, food, and water. Thanks for praying. God used those prayers.

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